Indoor Gardening Tips – Apartments and homes can become quite monotonous and even dingy. So the interiors may seem to imprison. But you can add plants to your home. Indoor gardening is an effective and effortless way of bringing life and color to your surroundings, adding hue and brightness.
When chosen wisely, indoor gardening will require little maintenance. But bringing greenery to your home has its own challenges. This post will offer you inspiration to master the art of indoor gardening with 10 Indoor Gardening Tips.
- 1 Decide on the style of garden
- 2 Position the Plants Carefully
- 3 Different houseplants to choose from
- 4 Indoor Gardening Tips: Know the sunshine tags
- 5 Avoid Shady Areas
- 6 Add a few plants in the kitchen
- 7 Use right tools
- 8 Know the best technique for watering a plant
- 9 Do this during winters
- 10 Long Term Success
1Decide on the style of garden

Indoor gardening is basically of two types- container gardening and hydroponic gardening. Container gardening is an ideal option for those who like rearranging the plants and ay eventually those plants outdoors. These plants can be grown in different types, shapes, and sizes. Hydroponic plants are great for growing vegetables or plants that require a small amount of space.
2Position the Plants Carefully

Before indoor gardening tips you must know some basic things and the most important one the the position of plant. Isabelle Palmer, the author of The House Gardener, suggests that plants used for indoor gardening must be chosen carefully. Even though indoor plants do not require natural sunlight, they will not thrive in areas that are too cold or too shady.
So, you need to see that chosen plants are well suited for your home’s light levels and temperature. You can choose between a huge variety of plants, including berries, herbs, flowers and decorative or even vegetable plants.
3Different houseplants to choose from

Some of the best houseplants that you can choose from includes Aloe Vera, which can purify the air, baby rubber plant, bamboo plant, bottom fern, Chinese evergreen, pygmy date palm, Gerbera Daisy, Golden Pothos, Moth Orchids, mushrooms, peace lily, polka dot plants and herbs like sage, rosemary and thyme among others can be an excellent addition to your indoor garden.

Decoding the tags on different indoor plants can be difficult. Use this simple tip to decode such tags- if the tag says direct light, it needs six or more hours are light. Therefore, they need to be placed in eastern or western windows that are sunny throughout the day. Moderate light is recommended for plants that need up to four hours of direct light a day. You can place these plants near southern windows. Plants with the tag of indirect light need to be kept away from pounding sun. Low light plants will require little ambient and can grow in rooms with least light.
5Avoid Shady Areas

Even when the plant has the tag for indirect light, you have to garden and place it in an area where there’s some light. Shady areas will hinder a plant’s photosynthesis process. At the same time, you might want to avoid placing delicate plants in rooms with extreme temperature where humidity levels are lower.
6Add a few plants in the kitchen

Want your indoor garden to be successful. Then let it thrive in the kitchen. Kitchens usually have abundant sunshine and windows. Plus, the addition of plants can brighten a kitchen, introduce beauty to your home. Also, re-pot on a regular basis, changing houseplants into larger pots at least once in every two years. This will help the plants thrive.
7Use right tools

Being well-equipped is the key to ensuring successful indoor gardening. Have a long spouted watering can for increasing humidity and reducing dust levels in the indoor garden and have regular products for dealing with pests.
Keep long handled fork and a pair of gardening scissors handy. If you have container plants, opt for a sponge with a long handle for timely cleaning. Make sure that you do not overwater plants and ideally, have drainage material at the bottom of the pot for keeping roots aerated.
8Know the best technique for watering a plant

To water a houseplant, thoroughly saturate the soil with water. If you have a drainage system for the pot, keep filling the water comes out from the bottom of the pot. In case, water is not absorbed by the plant in a day or so, empty out the saucer. Ask your gardener or provider to inform you if some other plants have different watering techniques.
9Do this during winters

Most houseplants are winter dormant, which means that they do not mind much sunlight during this period. So, let them rest and move them to a cooler position. At this time, reduce the amount of water or food you provide. This will help in preventing mold. Don’t keep plants near windows because it would be too cold.
10Long Term Success

Long term success in indoor gardening is guaranteed if you are vigilant and learn more about your plants. Your plants will thrive longer if you recognize potential problems early and reduce chances of pest infestation. Danger signs include flower buds falling off, leaves with brown tips, rot and mold, withering leaves.
Go ahead! Start Planting! we hope these Indoor Gardening Tips will help you.
Also Read:- 13 Gardening Tips You Should Follow