Dare to Do Christian Bale Workout For Ultimate Batman Body

Dare To Try This Christian Bale Workout.

Christian Bale Workout

Christian Bale Workout – Did you also get mightily impressed by the physique of Christian Bale when he appeared as the dark knight in Nolan’s Batman trilogy? Have you ever dreamed of becoming Batman yourself and save your city when you were a child? Of course, you did.

However, you need to get insanely fit, strong, and agile if you want to have a body like Batman and that too the one played by Christian Bale. And this exclusive Christian Bale workout could help you exactly with it provided you be ready to commit wholeheartedly to this grueling training routine and diet plan.

Fitness bench for workouts like Christian bale workout.

For your Christian bale workout purposes, use this adjustable weight bench. You can do a full-body workout by making simple adjustments to this bench. It can be inclined, declined and flattened. As it can also be folded, it does not cover a large area and you can also use it for home gym.

PRICE: 3699 (at the time of publishing the post)

Related: Huge Jackman Workout.

So, get ready to work hard in the gym like you probably have never done before. Get ready to push your body to the maximum limit. Get ready to experience extreme pain and soreness because the Batman workout is not a piece of a cakewalk.

Even if you are skinny, you can put on real muscle and develop immense strength and power if you can follow Christian Bale. This is because he had already done that himself when he started preparing for Batman Begins after completing The Machinist.

Christian Bale Workout Leads to 100 Pound muscle gain in Six Months!


Christian Bale shocked everyone with his physique in the Machinist when he weighed just 121 pounds. Reportedly, he was on a diet of apple and tuna only while preparing for the role of a skinny, insomniac guy in that movie. Due to this extreme starvation and loss of muscles, the metabolism of Bale had become very sluggish at that time. However, the actor had to prepare for his next role in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins with only six months remaining.

Once again, the dedicated actor defied norms and risked his health by putting on nearly 100 pounds in just six months. He gradually increased the intake of calories while doing grueling workouts in the gym. Since he had to play the role of one of the best and fan favorite superheroes, Batman, his workouts were designed accordingly.

After all, Batman does not have to look just good but also be lean and mean enough to chase and beat the crap out of bad guys! Hence, Christian Bale workouts included a combination of power movements, weight exercises, sprints, strength, and endurance. Check out this extreme workout below:

Christian Bale Batman Workout


When Bale was preparing for Batman, he incorporated a variety of exercises in his routine. It was not just traditional bodybuilding routine like in Hugh Jackman workout or Dwayne Johnson workouts. Why? Because HE IS BATMAN (in that deep, husky voice!).

Batman needs to be fast, strong, agile, and powerful to deal with the nasty villains of the DC Universe. His workout was divided among intense power works, heavy lifts for strength, sprinting activities, and active rest days.

Let’s have a look at the general Christian Bale workout while he was preparing to be Batman in front of camera:

Day-1 Power Training

Power training involves explosive movements in which you have to exert maximum strength in the shortest period. These moves engage fast twitch muscle fibers giving you a heavy dose of power as well as strength. It is also known as high-speed strength exercises. Naturally, if Batman needs to throw quick yet dangerous punches at Bane, power training forms the major staple of his workout routine.

The main exercises done by Bale on these days include:

Power Cleans- This is one of the best power movements often done by professional athletes to build explosive strength. You must do this exercise only under the guidance of a professional coach.

High pulls- High pulls are quite similar to Power cleans but do not involve turning over the barbell to catch it near your shoulders. If you are a beginner to powerlifting, you must start with high pulls before moving to power cleans.

Jump squats- Jump squats are usually done with body-weight where you do a standard squat and jump explosively to come to standing position while engaging your core muscles. To develop power and strength, you can also add proper weight to this exercise.

Explosive bench press- You will need a smith machine bench press to perform this exercise. While doing the pressing movement, you throw the rod into air and catch it on top again. Use the momentum to bring down the rod to your chest and then repeat the explosive movement.

KORE COMBO16 Dumbbells Kits

dumbbells for workout

So here are the dumbbells you can use and recommend by us i.e. Kore Dumbbell Kits. This is chosen based on my personal use and also customer reviews on Amazon. The dumbbells are of good quality and also affordable for purchase. The weights of both dumbbells are equal and the same as given. You can start your Christian Bale Batman Workout using these dumbbells.

The dumbbells are made up of metal and the corners are covered with a rubber material. The common issue which people are facing is a not so comfortable grip with bare hands. This issue can easily be solved by using gym gloves. You can also go for the particular gloves recommended by us (below).

PRICE: Rs. 1599 (at the time of publishing the post)

customer review for the workout dumbells.

Day-2 Speed and Agility

You must have seen Christian Bale quickly moving around the criminals while taking them down in the blink of an eye. Despite wearing a heavy suit and having a muscular physique, Batman is quite quick in his movements, thanks to the speed and agility exercises of the dark knight workout.

Sprints- Sprinting is the best activity to develop speed and agility. Batman workout involved five sets of 30m sprints with 1-minute rest between sets. Then, you have to sprint for 40m in a set of 5 with the same rest period. Give a rest of 120 seconds between 30m and 40 m sprints.

Richochets- To do these exercise, mark a 2ft square on the ground and jump from one corner to another as fast as you can. Continue jumping for 2 minutes and then take a rest for 30 seconds. Repeat the sequence for a total of 30 minutes of ricochets.

Free Hand Jump Squats- Do body-weight jumping squats for 1 minute continuously. Take a break of 30 seconds and repeat it again. Do five sets, and you will see how tough it is to become like Batman!

Day-3 Compound Movements for Strength

A crucial component of all strength training routine is heavy lifts and compound movements. Compound movements involve the use of multiple muscles and increase the strength of the body than isolated movements.

Squat: Do three sets of 10-12 repetitions each with barbells. Increase weight in each set while decreasing number of repetitions with 12 reps in first, 10 in second, and 8 in third.

Bench Press: Standard bodybuilding exercise done with barbells. It is the king of chest exercises which you must incorporate in your weight routine even if you are not training to save the Gotham City.

Deadlift: Deadlift is the ultimate lifting movement which engages your quads, back, and core muscles. Keep your lower back neutral with a natural arch while doing this movement.

Barbell Lunges: Aim for ten repetitions in each set and complete three sets of this exercise to work out like Batman.

Military press: Military press or overhead press is the ultimate exercise to build muscular shoulders and increase arm strength. Do this with a barbell or dumbbell in a seated or standing position depending on your comfort level.

Gym set for different kinds of workouts

If you want to do the above-mentioned batman exercises, then this gym set is a great choice for you. It includes various types of equipment like weights, skipping rope, hand gripper, wrist bands, curling rods, gym bag, etc. If you’re at your home, even then also you can do exercises of beginner or advanced level. 

So, be ready and start your Christian bale workout today. It is the best seller product on Amazon.

PRICE: Rs. 1599 (at the time of publishing the post)

Day-4 Stamina and Endurance

Christian Bale workout for Batman involved hours of long distance running to develop the necessary endurance. And no, it did not include the 15 minute or 30-minute cardio routines which you usually do in the gym. The long distance running typically lasted for 1.5-2 hours for Christian Bale. Did you think that the dark knight workout was easy? Think again!

Day-5 Active Rest

Batman cannot afford to take rest because he is fatigued due to his workout. He needs to get his ass up every night to fight the Joker, Riddler, and other villains and need to be at his peak potential. That is why the Batman workout involves one day of active rest which will allow the body to recover without any period of inactivity. On this day, you can engage in fun and relaxing activities like aqua jogging, swimming, yoga in addition to static stretching to relieve any tension in muscles after bodybuilding workouts.

resistance tube for home workout

Kossto Double Toning Resistance Tube can be a great choice for these active day rests. With the help of this resistance tube, you can do cross-fit training, yoga, pilates, beach body, physical therapy, and stretching. This tube is made up of premium quality latex which is harmless for your skin and it is also odourless. As the handles are comfortable and non-slippery, you don’t have to stop and adjust the grip, every now and then. 

These tubes can become your companion on these active rest days of batman workout. Don’t you think so?

PRICE: Rs. 270 (at the time of publishing the post)

Christian Bale Diet Plan

Foods in Batman Diet: Fat-free cheese, lean protein, eggs, milk, protein shakes, green vegetables, fibrous foods. Keep these diet points in mind while you are doing Christian Bale workout:

1. Balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrates

If you are playing the character of one of the most badass superheroes, your diet should resemble that in real. Christina Bale consumed macro-nutrients in the ration of 1:2:3, i.e., for every one portion of fat, he would consume two parts of the protein and three parts of carbohydrates.

Since the Batman workout includes a fairly massive amount of muscle building, you need to consume enough protein preferably 1 to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

AS-IT-IS Nutrition Whey Protein (#Best Seller)

whey protein for Christian bale workouts

AS-IT-IS Nutrition Whey Protein can be a great choice for those doing simple or extensive workouts like Christian bale workout. Whey protein helps in the fast recovery of muscle loss after a workout. As it is minimally processed, it helps in restoring the natural and raw form of the whey protein. It is among the best whey protein for muscle gain.

The best part about this product is that the protein concentrate is 80%. That means every 30g serving will give you 24g of proteins and also 5.4g of Bcaa. It is easily digestible, so you’ll get the benefits really fast and have a batman physique.

This is an unflavored product, so it might not taste good. But, you can add flavours on your own and of your own choice. Also, you can make different types of shakes from this. You can take this protein powder, whether you’re a bodybuilder or not. But, keep the servings accordingly. You can also use it during fat loss.

PRICE: Rs. 1799 (at the time of publishing the post)

2. Quality and Timing of Carbohydrates

Christian Bale consumed a major portion of carbohydrates in the morning itself after the workout. The carbs were obtained from low GI foods like dark, green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, and others. This ensured a stable insulin level while meeting the energy demands of the body.

3. Frequency of meals

Bale consumed foods and snacks in every 2-3 hours to keep the metabolism of the body up. After all, Batman needs to continuously supply energy to his body and cannot afford to go hungry for an extended period.

When you follow the above Christian Bale workout and his diet plan, you will be amazed to see fantastic results within few months. Do not be discouraged if you do not see a Batman body in the mirror in just one month. Commit to a training routine and clean your diet.

The magic will happen gradually, and soon your friends will begin complimenting you on your amazing physique. Do not forget to tell them the secret behind it by sharing this article and challenge them to do this Batman workout with you!

Also Read: The Rock Workout.

Jason Statham Workout.

Some more Workout Products for You

Boldfit Plant Protein Powder

vegan protein for workouts

Boldfit Plant Protein Powder is one of the best plant protein and vegan protein out there. It is loaded with superfoods like Plant-Based Protein, Turmeric Extract, Pink salt, Bromelain, Papain and Piperine. The plant proteins you’re getting by consuming this are peas protein and brown rice protein. It is an easily digestible keto free product and also low in carbs. Include this protein in your diet for Christian bale body.

workout protein customer review

It is a flavoured product and comes in a chocolate flavour. Hence, there is no problem with taste. While thoroughly seeing the label, it contains sucralose which is an artificial sweetener. It is understandable as it is a flavoured product. But, it’s my job to inform you about that.

How to consume? Just mix one scoop of Boldfit protein in 180-200 ml of water or something you like and drink it, simple. You can have it during breakfast or after your Christian bale workout.

PRICE: Rs. 1799 (at the time of publishing the post)

Kapiva Men’s Vegan Protein

men's vegan protein for muscle building

Another great product for workout lovers and especially for vegans is Kapiva Men’s Vegan Protein. It is 100% plant-based protein and also contains 18 amino acids. It contains 2 Ayurvedic herbs, ashwagandha and gokshura which will help you in building muscle strength. This men’s vegan protein is a low-calorie protein and includes 25 vital vitamins and minerals. in short, you can get the Christian bale muscle after its regular consumption and doing a proper batman workout.

It comes in banana flavour, so it is tasty along with being healthy. Based on the audience reviews, there is one common issue: having lumps while mixing it. To avoid this issue, always use a shaker for mixing. Take 1 scoop of protein and mix it in 300 ml of water with the help of a shaker.

One more review which we get from the audience is that it is easily digestible. So, you don’t have to worry about indigestion. In the end, enjoy this protein shake after a workout for muscle endurance and better fitness.

PRICE: Rs. 1888 (at the time of publishing the post)

review of verified customer on workout protein

Fitness/Gyming Gloves

If you are really serious and want to be consistent in your workouts, then you need to have workout accessories. It is not complete without gloves, even if you’re doing a normal routine. The gym gloves can help in getting a better grip for weightlifting and other gym routines. However, if you start doing gyming or weightlifting, these Fitness Gloves are a good choice.

They are made up of polyester, foam, and cloth, which helps get rid of sweaty hands during a workout. They are stylish and also comfortable. These gloves have Velcro strips, so you can wrap them tightly for more stability. The reason for the better grip in these gloves is the front palm padding. They provide better cushioning to the palms and also prevent injuries.

All of these products are selected on the basis of customer reviews on Amazon and our knowledge. If you buy any of them from the link given, then we’ll receive a small commission. But, the prices will be the same for you. You don’t have to pay a single penny extra.

Be ready to begin the journey from simple workout to an extreme Christian Bale Workout.