Hair Growth Remedies – We are all leading difficult, monotonous life, with abundant of stressors present in our environment. And this has an effect on our looks, particularly in our hair, with significant heat from hair styling products, lack of proper conditioning, pollution and stress affecting its overall beauty.
Before we know it, our hair begins to fall, the thickness is reduced to rubble, and the hair turns fragile. However, don’t worry, you can still grow your hair, reduce hair fall without falling prey to laced chemical cosmetics that claim hair growth but offer nothing. All you need to do is follow these simple hair growth remedies!
Also Read: Aloe Vera for Hair Growth.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has a kind of uses. One of its main purposes includes hair growth. Use of this vinegar helps in gently cleansing the scalp. At the same time, it ensures that the pH balance of the hair is maintained.
How to use- You don’t even have to prepare a mask with Apple Cider Vinegar. Simply pour about 75ml of it in a mug and give your hair a final rinse with it. And, you will be good to go.
Onion Juice
Another one of those secret hair growth remedies, onion juice, can promote hair growth with Sulphur, an organic compound that boosts collagen product. You would specifically need red onions or shallots for this purpose.
How to use- Chop 2-3 red onions into small pieces and blend it with its juice (you can use a blender or your fingers for this purpose). Apply the juice on scalp and let it sit for about half an hour. Rinse with the mild shampoo.
Seriously, egg masks and egg products for hair growth aren’t over-rated. Eggs are used all over the world to promote healthy hair, increase shine, add to the volume and ensure increased hair growth.
How to use- The egg can be used singularly, with the egg white applied to the hair and washed off 10-15 minutes after the application or it can be used as an egg mask.
Egg Mask Ideas- To create an egg mask, have one egg white, add olive oil and a teaspoon of honey, make a paste, apply and leave it on the hair for about 20 minutes. You can use it later to rinse off with shampoo. Just make sure that you use cold water for rinsing (nobody wants tiny bits of omelet in his or her hair).
You can even try another mask with eggs. Simply take egg whites (leave the yolk) and mix it with olive oil. Now, apply it to your locks and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse with shampoo. Use these combinations at least once a week for hair growth. You can also check out these other hair masks prepared using eggs.
Fenugreek Seeds
These seeds have found their mention time and again in Indian history. To protect your hair color and enhance hair growth, you can use these common seeds to prepare hair remedies.
How to use- Mix coconut milk and make a paste using fenugreek seeds. The seeds should be grinded after being soaked for 4-5 hours in water. Now, apply it to your hair. Tie hair in a bun and let it stay for half an hour.
Related: Uncommon Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil.
Your hair will grow faster and shine beautifully if this mixture is used on regular basis. You can use this fenugreek seeds’ paste singularly without coconut milk as well. Moreover if you are facing some unwanted issues like hair lose, lice & dry scalp then you can try coconut hair treatment to avoid these hair related problems.
Potato Juice
Are you looking for Hair Growth Remedies? Not your traditional home remedy, but potato juice does works wonder when it comes to your hair.
How to use- You will need an extractor for this purpose. Apply potato juice on the scalp and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Vitamins in potato will work against hair fall and hair thinning due to alopecia.
Potato Juice Mask Ideas- Take a cup of potato juice. Mix in one egg and a bit of honey for a paste. Apply it to your hair and leave for an hour. Rinse it with shampoo. This mask is excellent for restoring hair moisture and reduce hair thinning. Must be used twice a week for at least four weeks to see the results.
Bananas: One of Top Hair Growth Remedies
They are excellent for hair growth. Bananas have potassium as well as several vitamins that can give you luscious and thicker hair.
How to use- Simply mash a ripe banana to make a paste. Massage it into scalp. Cover the scalp with a shower cap to avoid broken banana pieces dirtying the place. Wash with the mild shampoo after an hour.
Henna-Reetha-Shikakai Pack
Our mothers, their mothers and their grandmothers have used henna for centuries. And they all have luscious, thick locks. You can get that too. A henna pack can add shine to dull and dry hair while promoting hair growth.
How to use- Use it with reetha, amla and shikakai if you want those roots to be strengthened. Get these ingredients from the local market and mix them in equal batches. If you are concerned about the color of henna, then leave henna from the pack and simply use rest of the ingredients. You can even postpone greying of hair with this remedy.
Coconut Milk
Coconut oil is considered an elixir for your hair. And it is. But coconut milk is great for hair growth as well. With iron, potassium and essential fatty acids, coconut oil serves as a meal for the hair.
How to use- Simply extract the milk or purchase it from the market and apply on the scalp. Preferably, leave it overnight with the shower cap on and rinse it off the next day. You can mix it with egg or potato juice masks for enhanced results.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne Pepper is great for adding flavor to your dishes. But it is an excellent option for your hair growth as well. You can find it easily in the market to prepare deep conditioning masks.
Also Read: Eating Spicy Food Make You Live Longer
How to use- Heat olive oil in the saucepan and add a few pinches of cayenne pepper. Stir continuously and avoid lumps. Bring it off the heat and then apply to your hair. Careful- don’t use it when it is too hot. Leave it for at least three hours and then wash off.
Make sure that you wear a shower cap so that cayenne pepper doesn’t fall off and irritate the skin.
Rich in antioxidants, Green Tea is great for deep conditioning and increasing hair growth. It is readily available and can be used quite often.
How to use- You don’t have to waste new packets of green tea. Simply save the tea-bag you used for a drink and then cut it out. Use the leftover tea and apply this all over your scalp. Leave it for an hour. The coolness of green tea is soothing for the head while its antioxidant properties increase hair growth. Rinse it off with water. Use once a week for best results.
Remember, hair fall, hair loss and decreased hair growth can be due to lifestyle and diet complications. So, supplement these Hair Growth Remedies with a healthier diet.
Have healthy, happy hair!