Core Exercises – While cardio and strength training are great for weight loss and muscle conditioning, they are not perfect for increasing your core stability and strength. That is why you should infuse your routine with these core workouts to sculpt your abs, tone your tummy, lose fat from the thigh and midsection, and remove that muffin top.
So, get started with these core exercises.
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Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are believed to be one of the most effective core exercises targeting abs and obliques. You need a mat to perform this exercise. Lie on it with your face up and your hands behind the head. Next, bring your knees close to the chest while lifting the shoulder blades off the floor.
Avoid pulling your neck. Rotate one side of your body with the elbow reaching towards the opposite knee, which is crunched reversely. Keep the other leg straightened out and then switch to the other side.
Captain’s Chair
Another effective core exercises for your abdominal region. With Captain’s chair, you can perform a variety of exercises to tone your abs’ muscles. Start out by stabilizing your upper body and gripping the handholds of the chair.
Now, press your back against the pad while contracting the abs. Raise your legs and slowly lift the knees towards the chest. Remember not to arch your back or swing your legs up. Lower down and repeat.
Elbow Plank
Planks work up your abdominal, arms, and back. This amazing core workout stabilizes your posture while increasing your overall body and muscle strength. Start this exercise by facing down on the floor while resting on your knees and forearms.
Then push off the ground and raise your knees onto your toes. At this time, your body should be resting mainly on your elbows. Contract your abdominals and restricts your hips from sticking up. Resume to the start position and repeat.
Leg Raise
To perform this core body exercise, lie flat on a bench with legs in a vertical position. Lift your hips slightly off the bench and contract your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for three seconds and then return to the starting position. Your back must be flat, and your legs should be straight. To make this exercise even, tougher do it while hanging upright from a bar.
Exercise Ball Crunch
An exercise ball can help you do a variety of interesting core exercises. Start these core body exercises by lying on a ball and positioning it under your lower back.
Now, cross your arms over the chest. Lift your torso off the ball and contract your abs simultaneously while pulling the bottom of your rib cage towards your hips. Make sure that the ball does not roll and is stable. Lower your back down and stretch your abs.
Long Arm Crunch
The long arm crunch works on your external and internal oblique. For executing this basic workout lie on your back with arms extended straight, close to your ears. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Contract your abs and lift the shoulder blades off the floor.
Basic Abdominal Crunch
Abdominal crunch is one of the best core workouts. To perform this basic exercise, simply lie on the mat and fold your hands at the back with fingers slightly supporting the head. Keep your feet flat and knees bent. Contract your abs while flattening your lower back. Exhale while you lift yourself and hold the position.
Ab Roll Out
Ab-roll out is one of the advanced level core body exercises, which requires entire body strength to be performed correctly, helping in increasing core strength. Start in a standing position and maneuver your body parallel to the floor and push yourself back to the starting position. If this is too difficult for you, start with your knees hinged to the floor. The rest of the motion remains the same.
Dragon Flag
Similar to the abs roll out, the dragon flag is another complex core body exercise, which especially targets your lower abdominal muscles. It requires an enormous amount of strength to perform this exercise and mastering this is no child’s play.
For performing this exercise lay flat on surface and anchor yourself by holding on to a stationed bar, rod or stand behind your head. Then raise your lower body upwards to hang straight like a flag, making an angle of 60-70 degrees with the surface.
Swiss Ball Pike
If you are looking for just one core exercise to work up your abs the most, then there isn’t any better exercise than the Swiss ball pike. Although this basic exercise may appear like medieval torture, but it is easy to learn and every effective.
Start with holding yourself in a plank position with your feet stationed on a Swiss ball. With keeping your legs straight and back flat, push your hips upwards. Follow the same range of motion in reverse to reach the starting position.
Which one of these did you try? What was your experience? Share below.
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