Tips for Healthy Hair – We all frenzy upon the voluminous and shiny hair shown in advertisements. They make us wonder, “How do I get healthy hair? What are some good tips for healthy hair that I can follow?”
“How do I keep my hair healthy and gorgeous, like the actors?”
Actresses with broad smiles, the excellent market hair care products with happiness but rarely do we hear tips for healthy hair that actually work.
However, regular people don’t have the time or the energy to try miracle oils and fancy shampoos. The crucial thing to remember is that to get healthy hair; you have to make changes in your lifestyle. There are a few changes that you can make in your current lifestyle which can yield superbly visible results.
Related: Natural Hair Masks To Keep Your Hair Healthy.
To maintain healthy hair isn’t a destination, it’s a journey! Also, don’t set out with unrealistic expectations in your attempts to make your hair healthy.
Women of any hair type can easily follow the below five easy tips for healthy hair and get rid your dreaded bad hair days!
More On Hair Care
1) Make Lifestyle Changes to Get Healthy Hair
Add hair nourishing nutrients to your diet. Nutrients such as vitamin B, iron, and omega-3s have been found to nourish hair and skin. A balanced diet which includes sufficient daily recommended quantity of these macronutrients will ensure that hair stays thick and shiny. Increase vitamin B levels by adding foods such as shellfish, eggs and milk to your diet to have healthy hair.
Flaxseeds, Egg Yolks, walnuts and several fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and help your hair stay shiny and soft. Foods like chicken, spinach, kale help enhance iron levels in the body which in turn helps to maintain healthy hair.
Sometimes our body don’t get the required amount of nutrients from our diets. Nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids are often not featured regularly in our diets. In those cases, you can get a doctor to prescribe the nutrient supplements with vitamins that are designed with the objective of nourishing hair to maintain healthy hair. People who have healthy hair follow such regime to make hair healthy.
2) Don’t Overuse Hair Styling Products
The use of heat styling products too frequently can damage your hair very badly.
Split ends and hair breakage becomes a serious problem if straightening and curling by heat application is done regularly.
So, put away those blow dryers and let the gentle morning breeze dry your hair slowly. However, what about the days when you’re in a rush? Well, if you must use those hot air guns, use them at a cool setting. This is one of the most effective tips for healthy hair that you must follow.
If there’s a party and you must look your absolute best, be sure to put protective serum before you crimp, curl or straighten your hair.
Be careful and stingy while using styling products is an important guideline in any source(s) of healthy hair tips for women to keep healthy hair.
3) Handle Your Hair with Tender and Loving Care
Your hair is an important asset. The quality of your hair can make or break your look. Treat your hair with the utmost gentleness.
A certain amount of effort and alacrity is required to maintain healthy hair.
One of the most valuable tips for healthy hair is “Don’t comb it too roughly or wring it with your towel after a shower“. This causes your hair to weaken and damages the roots.
Use a wide toothed comb, instead of combing your hair with a brush. Your trapped hair suffers when you tug too hard at it with a brush. This simple tip to get healthy hair will show the significant decrease in hair loss.
Brush your hair from the bottom first and work your way to the roots to avoid hair loss and damage. Washing your hair with extremely hot water dries out your hair and creates tangles. Use water at the cooler temperature to get healthy hair.
Always use a wide tooth comb instead of a brush when dealing with wet hair. Handling wet hair can get tricky. The key to having healthy hair is never to be rough with it, treat it nicely and it will reward you by looking healthy and silky.
Filthy combs and hair brushes are a hospitable environment for bacteria and they will you’re their way into your hair. Clean your hair brush and comb, at least once a month with warm water and shampoo to prevent it from becoming filthy.
Use a soft t-shirt to gently take out excess water after washing your hair. Towels are rough for your delicate hair and cause your hair to weaken at the roots.
Instead of using chemical products on hairs, use ayurvedic hair oils to solve all your hair problems. You can also use neem oil for hair as it has a huge number of benefits for hairs.
4) Visit the Hair Salon Regularly
You have to get your hair trimmed at frequent intervals to get healthy hair. Get a trim as soon as you notice split ends in your hair. When split ends are left for too long, they travel very far up the hair shaft and more damage is caused.
Frequent haircuts ensure that your hair looks fresh, healthier and full of life. Limp and lifeless looking hair is chopped off to make way for better hair. This is one of the most essential yet often overlooked tips for healthy hair.
5) Avoid Permanent Hair Treatments
Everyone wants his or her hair to look trendy and stylish; it is only natural. However, in your single-minded journey to achieve excellent style, you are missing your hair’s health.
Ditch permanent hair dyes, perms, Brazilian blowouts, permanent straightening and chemical curling to get healthy hair. The chemicals used in these treatments cause hair loss, breakage and split ends; none of these effects are worth it. Frequently hair coloring has shown to increase cancer risks.
In certain individuals, hair coloring has even caused allergic reactions. Be cautious if you are willing to experiment with hair color.
These tips for healthy hair are suggestive and the decision to color your hair is your prerogative.
Those who desire luscious locks should follow these tips for healthy hair.
Beauty isn’t as effortless as it seems. To have healthy hair for a long time, you must bear in mind these healthy hair tips for women. Consistent care and proper nourishment are crucial to making your hair healthy.
Adhere to these tips for healthy hair to make healthy hair last long. Stay stress-free, eat healthy foods and don’t stay long in the sun or chlorinated water to make healthy hair. After all, only with strong hairs, you can style them as you want.
If you already have such healthy hairs, you’ll love to check out these Jennifer Lawrence hairstyles to style your hair like a celebrity!
Related: Hair Masks.